Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you — all of the expectations, all of the beliefs — and becoming who you are.
— Bill Moyers, Healing and the Mind

Individual Therapy

The decision to engage in individual therapy is an act of courage and vulnerability, and it takes motivation to engage in the process. Therapy provides the opportunity to explore the parts of yourself that may have been hidden from others and even yourself; it is a process of self discovery. It is a collaborative process that takes place in the context of relationship. As a result of this process, people find relief from difficult feelings of anxiety, depression, grief, anger, fear, and shame; learning skills and strategies as well as learning how to simply be with the self. Individual therapy can lead you to discover, strengthen, and reconnect with those different parts of yourself, and access more of your innate vitality, creativity, and playfulness.

I work with adults of all ages.

Clinical Supervision

Clinical work requires clinical skills, self reflection, and insightful supervision. As one evolves clinically, it is important to have supervision to guide your growth and help you discern strengths to emphasize as well as areas that might require more guidance. Under the right supervision, you will learn who you are as a clinician and even more about yourself. I use a reflective supervision model that respects your needs and learning goals. I am an approved supervisor in the Washington State. I currently offer individual supervision. Please inquire here if you would like to be in touch with me about supervision towards licensure.